2014年10月8日 星期三

SPD4459 南區第16站——[Repulse Bay]Repulse Bay Beach&Tin Hau Temple/ [淺水灣] 淺水灣泳灘及天后廟

Hello everyone, we know that the beach is one of the popular location for the locals to spend their weekends, picnic and enjoy the sea breeze. This weekend, we go to the Repulse Bay Beach with family. Why do we go with family? It is because we will visit Tin Hau Temple after we picnic on the beach. So…… go with your parents and enjoy the family day.

大家好啊,你地都知道沙灘係好多香港人週末時鍾意去既地方啦。今個星期我地就同埋屋企人一齊入去淺水灣泳灘啦。哈哈!無錯,係同埋屋企人!點解?可能你地會覺得緊係要同朋友一齊著比堅尼影下相曨下太陽先開心啦hahaha 但今次我地既行程係去完淺水灣野餐再去埋附近既天后廟嘛 :D 所以……請大家同屋企一齊出去行下,享受下家庭樂吧~~~~~

Repulse Bay is the area where many rich people in Hong Kong reside. There are many nice real estates and special layout buildings behind the beach. LOOK! The special designed building with a hole in the middle, so awesome, right?  

淺水灣係一個好多有錢人居住既地方。呢度既樓宇同埋大廈外型設計都好特別! 你睇下呢個屋苑中間有個中空地方就知佢型啦哈哈! 聽聞好似係有關風水學既設計@@

Repulse Bay situated on the main road between Aberdeen and Stanley, it is easily accessible from all parts of Hong Kong. Also it has extensive facilities like showers, bathrooms, parking spaces for visitors.
淺水灣位於香港仔同赤柱之間既主要道路,有好多車都可以到達 所以都幾方便。

We think that the most attractive area is it has beautiful sand, large open spaces for tanning, picnic, and swimming with the sun drenched, definitely it has a relaxed resort-like feel to people. There is blue water without limit in the front of eyes, small green islands make picture more beautiful, what a relax moment when you sitting on the beach.


Don’t forget we still have a destination - Tin Hau Temple.
唔好唔記得左我地仲有一個目的地 - 天后廟。

In Hong Kong, there is several Tin Hau Temples which are the temple dedicated to protectors of the fishermen as Hong Kong was a fishing port in the past. Tin Hau Temple Repulse Bay is one of the oldest temples in Hong Kong. There are the skin of Hong Kong ‘s last wild tiger and 2 huge statues of Tin Hau and Kwun Yum as well as a Chinese style garden leading down to the beach.

淺水灣天后廟仲係香港最古老的寺廟之一。而裡面仲擺放左香港最後一隻野生老虎的皮毛, 仲有兩個巨大既天后及觀音佛像,相當宏偉。另一邊有一個充滿傳統中國特式既花園通往海灘。

You have to cross the little bridge – Longevity Bridge. It is said your life will be prolonged for three more days each time after you cross it. Let ‘s try it with your family and friends.

千萬唔好忘記你要經過一條小橋 - 長壽橋。

Repulse Bay Beach's map

Repulse Bay Beach
Beach Road, Repulse Bay, Hong Kong Island

Bus 6, 6A, 6X, 66 or 260 from Exchange Square bus terminus (near MTR Hong Kong Station, Exit D) alight at Repulse Bay Beach

從港鐵香港站D出口,步行至中環交易廣場巴士總站後,搭乘66A6X66 260號巴士,於淺水灣下車。

edited by Chow Wing Tung
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

(Southern District – Entertainment)

11 則留言:

  1. 不錯的介紹! 淺水灣沙灘的確很美, 有空也要到這兒參觀一下!

  2. Nice Blog!!

  3. The description to Repulse Bay is quite detailed and informative
    I was there few weeks ago and that beach is quite good
    I look forward to hearing more about Southern District

  4. 幾時再有新post 呢

  5. 呢度幾靚喎!!!原來南區除左主題樂園同其他傳統景點之外
