2014年11月11日 星期二

SPD4459 南區第25站 —— [Shek O] Dragon's Back / [石澳] 龍脊

Hidden in the Southern District - The beautiful Views for Hiking (Sequel)  藏於南區中的遠足勝地 (續集)

Dragon's Back located in Shek O, Hong Kong Island. In there, you can see a beautiful view overlooking the whole of Tathong Channel. It is a good place for hiking. 


In 2004, the Dragon's Back was selected as 
Time magazine's Asian edition of the Asian 

region, "the Best Urban Hiking Trail in Asia". It is approved that being a natural beauty features in this busy urban area. Dragon's Back belong to the eighth paragraph Trail, the landscape is concerned, it can be said that the essence of this path segment.


It is convenience to come and you can have a good view of South China Sea, Shek O, Big Wave Bay, Stanley and Tai Tam area. 

The most convenience way of hiking in here is to start from To Tei Wan. 

尼度方便易達,沿途您更可以飽覽南中國海、石澳、大浪灣、赤柱及大潭一帶的壯麗景色。 登遊龍脊,最便捷的方法是由土地灣上攀。

Suggested route: To Tei WanShek O PeakDragon's BackPottinger GapTai Long Wan

建議路線: 土地灣打爛埕頂山龍脊馬塘坳大浪灣

Bus Routes
Citybus 6
Starting point: Shau Kei Wan - Shek O
Drop off: To Tei Wan
Duration: 20 mins

Minibus Routes
Starting point: Shau Kei Wan - Shek O
Drop off: To Tei Wan
Duration: 15 mins


城巴 6
起點筲箕灣鐵路站 - 石澳
車程: 20分鐘

起點筲箕灣鐵路站 - 石澳
車程: 15分鐘

Edited by Mak Hoi Shan
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

(Southern District – Entertainment)

2014年11月9日 星期日

SPD4459 南區第24站——[Southern District] Mysterious Valley [南區]謎之谷

Hidden in the Southern District - The beautiful Views for Hiking  藏於南區中的遠足勝地  

If you like hiking, the following place we introduced must be suitable to you, apart from the previous introduction of Aberdeen Reservoirs. In there, you can enjoy the good view of the whole Shek O, Big Wave Bay and Clear Water Bay Peninsula. This exhaustive view you must love it. 

中意遠足既你,睇過我地之前介紹既 香港仔水塘,係咪覺得唔夠喉尼?今次我地又搵到一個岩哂你既遠足徑,果度風景優美,可以欣賞整個石澳、大浪灣及遠處的清水灣半島,一望無遺,你估唔估到尼度係邊度尼?=P

Following is a picture captured from that place. Do you know where it is? Guess it!!! 

Keep follow our blog - Run Run South!


Edited by Mak Hoi Shan
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

(Southern District – Entertainment)

2014年11月7日 星期五

SPD4459 南區第23站——[Pok Fu Lam] University Hall/ [薄扶林] 大學堂

Hello everyone, today we are going to University Hall ^_^

大家好,今日我地去大學堂!!!! 未聽過呢? 等我慢慢介紹啦~~~~

University Hall which is situated on top of a hill at Pok Fu Lam is a special building in a combined of Tudor and Gothic architectural styles, also which is a 3-storey Neo-Gothic building.


It was built in about 1861 by a Scottish business, Douglas Lapraik as his residence and named after him as "Douglas Castle". The building had acquired by the University of Hong Kong in 1954. In 1956, the University of Hong Kong converted it into a student dormitory and renamed it the University Hall. 


In 1995, the Hong Kong Government declared it as a statutory monument. Over 140 years, the castle's structure still stands as yesterday and has become a unique landmark in Pok Fu Lam and the whole Southern District.

1995年,香港政府宣布其為法定古蹟。 經過左140多年既歷史,呢座城堡既結構仍然可巍然屹立如昔,亦成為左薄扶林區以至整個南區一座極有特色的西式建築

University Hall's Map

 144 Pok Fu Lam Road, Pok Fu Lam Road, South District, Hong Kong


To get to University Hall, take Bus Route No.7, 91 or 94 for Pok Fu Lam Road at the bus stop at Man Yiu Street near the Bus Terminus of the Airport Railway Hong Kong Station in Central, or take Bus Route No. 37A, 40 or 40M at the bus stops outside Pacific Place opposite to the MTR Admiralty Station.


Edited by Chow Wing Tung

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

(Southern District – Entertainment)

2014年10月22日 星期三

SPD4459 南區第22站——[Stanley] Stanley International Beer Carnival / [赤柱] 赤柱國際啤酒嘉年華2014


Do you still remember this?

Yeah!!! Stanley International Beer Carnival!!!
Don't forget to invite your friends to join this event on this coming Saturday and Sunday!
See you there! :)

到時見 :)

Event Details:
Date: 25/10, 26/10, 1/11, 2/11
Time: 11am – 6pm
Location: Stanley Plaza, Stanley Promenade and Stanley Main Street, Southern District, Hong Kong

日期:25/10, 26/10, 1/11, 2/11
時間:11am – 6pm

Edited by MA Yin Ching
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

(Southern District – Entertainment)

2014年10月18日 星期六

SPD4459 南區第21站 —— [Stanley] Chung Hum Kok / [赤柱] 春坎角

Are you tried of waiting for the answer? We are going to tell you now! The place where the "mystery boy" in is Chung Hum Kok, which is located in Stanley, Southern District. And the "mystery boy" is South Girls Saliormoon's best buddy - Big Bro Wong. Big Bro Wong likes to travel around Southern District, and today he is in Chung Hum Kok beach.

大家係咪等得好心急呢? 唔洗再等喇,而家就話比你聽。“神秘一男子”身處既地方就係南區赤柱既春坎角,而一男子既身份其實係我地南妹美少女既老友記 ﹣旺哥。旺哥好鍾意係南區周圍「蒲」架,而今日就黎到春坎角沙灘留倩影。

Big Bro Wong is now standing on a big stone in Chung Hum Kok beach, how handsome is it? (kindly reminder: dogs are not allowed in the specific beach area, Bro Wong was not in that area)


Besides the Chung Hum Kok beach, there are lots of other entertainment activities allowed in Chung Hum Kok. Including a park and a barbecue space, you can also go hiking!


This is a blockhouse left after the war, now it becomes a part of the Chung Hum Kok park.


This is one of the spot in the barbecue space, you can enjoy the view while barbecuing, how relaxing!


Chung Hum Kok's map

Chung Hum Kok 
Chung Hum Kok Road, Stanley, Southern District, Hong Kong

Bus Routes:
Citybus 6
Starting point: Central (Exchange Square)
Drop off: Chung Hum Kok beach
Duration: 30 - 35 mins

Citybus 6X
Starting point: Central (Exchange Square)
Drop off: Chung Hum Kok beach
Duration: 30 - 35 mins

Citybus 973
Starting point: Tsim Sha Tsui (Mody Road)
Drop off: Chung Hum Kok beach
Duration: 30 - 45 mins

城巴 6
起點: 中環(交易廣場)總站
落點: 春坎角沙灘
車程: 30 - 35分鐘

城巴 6X
起點: 中環(交易廣場)總站
落點: 春坎角沙灘
車程: 30 - 35分鐘

城巴 6
起點: 尖沙咀(摩地道)
落點: 春坎角沙灘
車程: 30 - 45分鐘

edited by Cheung Yee Ching
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

(Southern District - Entertainment)


2014年10月17日 星期五

SPD4459 南區第21站 —— 神秘的一男子

Who is it and where is it? 

呢個靚仔係邊個黎? 佢身處咩地方呀又?

Stay tuned to our blog.
Tomorrow! You will have the answer!


edited by Cheung Yee Ching
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

(Southern District - Entertainment)

2014年10月16日 星期四

SPD4459 南區第20站 —— [Stanley]Hong Kong Correctional Services Museum / [赤柱] 香港懲教博物館

Hello everyone, please do not leave our blog when you see the photos :P it is not TXB website! HAHAHA just a joke. ^_^

絕對唔係TXB網站!哈哈哈,講下笑姐^ _ ^

In these years, there are many TV drama programs and movies use the prisons into their stories theme.  As the audience curious about the prisons, and they have great imaginations about life behind bars. 


Today we go to the Hong Kong Correctional Services Museum. It can show the transformation of the Hong Kong penal system over 160 years from the original punishment-as-a-deterrent model to the current approach that promotes rehabilitation.


Is it fighting, breakouts and savage torture really happen in prisons?  We are so interested to go there to find the answers in The Hong Kong Correctional Services Museum. Let’s go!!!!!!

究竟監獄入面係咪會好多犯人打架?想辦法逃走又定係...會不停受到好多折磨我們非常有興趣枇知道!!!想知??跟我地就一於去香港懲教博物館答案啦!走吧!!!!!! gogogo!

When you visit the Hong Kong Correctional Services Museum, you may find out an intriguing glimpse into prison life. The Correctional Services Museum is located in Stanley, the museum it showcases the real photos of corporate punishment and jail diaries, for example, over  600 exhibits , a mock gallows, two imitation cells and a stylised guard tower perched on top of the building.


The 10 galleries present exhibits covering the history and development of the prison system, including punishment and imprisonment, staff uniforms and insignias etc. This collection is a record of the history and evolution of Hong Kong's correctional services from Victorian times to this day.


Friendly reminder J when you want to leave the Museum, don't forget to visit the sea view outside the auxiliary gallery. Go to enjoy the seascape of Tai Tam Bay, and the fresh breath of freedom.

Hong Kong Correctional Services Museum's map

Hong Kong Correctional Services Museum45 Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley, Hong Kong Island



1.  MTR Hong Kong Station, Exit D. Take bus 6, 6X or 260 from Exchange Square bus terminus (near MTR Hong Kong Station, Exit D) and alight at Stanley Prison. The museum is located opposite the bus stop

2. Bus 973 from Canton Road in Tsim Sha Tsui outside Silvercord Centre. Alight at the Stanley Market bus terminus and then walk for approximately 10 minutes.

1.  從港鐵香港站D出口的中環交易廣場巴士總站,乘搭 6、6X 或260號巴士,於赤柱監獄下車,車程約50至55分鐘。博物館位於巴士站對面。

2.  於尖沙咀廣東道新港中心外乘973號巴士,在赤柱市集巴士總站下車後,沿東頭灣道步行約10分鐘。

Edited by Chow Wing Tung
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

(Southern District – Entertainment)